Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023

Flirtymature Membership Confirmation

Hi movieupdu8a,
Your 1 day membership upgrade is complete

Your user id
2023-10-12 08:31:38
Payment Amount
0.99 USD

You now have 1 day(s) remaining as a 1 day Member. Your 1 day membership will expire on 2023-10-13 08:31:38.
Your payment will be shown on your card statement as trblen.com18008216913
We suggest you print a copy of this email for your records; it is your proof of purchase.
Now you can enjoy dating to the fullest. Enter the site to contact all singles you like!
Go dating!
A Note on Chargebacks and Fraudulent Transactions
We screen, monitor, report and assist in prosecutions relating to any suspected fraud, including but not limited to card fraud and identity fraud.
Where you make a false or otherwise fraudulent chargeback you risk a negative impact to your credit history from the financial institution at which you hold your payment card. We therefore suggest in claims of genuine payment disputes that you contact us first to resolve any issue prior to making a chargeback.
Our Support Team will answer payment queries 24/7 by phone: 1 (800) 750-6714
Contact us online and we will respond within 24 hours.

Best Regards,

Dylan Thompson Customer Service Representative
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Tel 1 (800) 750-6714;
your user id: 139202756

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