Senin, 10 Januari 2022

Top posts on Facebook: posts from Assegaf Abdurrahman and more

See posts from Assegaf Abdurrahman, Sugiono Arifin and Susan Gaye Osborn that you may have missed on Facebook this week.
Assegaf Abdurrahman shared a photo
January 10 at 2:44 PM
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Sugiono Arifin shared a photo
May 25 at 8:35 AM
Sugiono Arifin and 188 others
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Susan Gaye Osborn posted an update
January 9 at 10:31 AM
Oh no, the flooding mitigation has failed in Maryborough, urgent evacuation ... See More
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Yanu Nugroho is feeling lovely.
January 10 at 11:14 PM
Happy Birthday for my wife Risma Zahra , Wish you all the best... being more... See More
Yanu Nugroho and 8 others
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Davon Fiber shared a photo
January 10 at 2:09 PM
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Yuswandy Halim shared a photo
December 17 at 12:50 PM
Gunting Rambut MurMer n Bagus @TOPMEN Krendang 
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