Sabtu, 22 Juli 2023

PeiYin Ng posted in CHRISTIANITY in DEMOCRACY (The call to uphold human rights)

Moovi, see what she posted.   PeiYin Ng posted in CHRISTIANITY in DEMOCRACY (The call to uphold human rights)July 23 at 3:11 AM Untold truths 720特別報導——世紀迫害|新唐人記者與美國政要深入探討:中共為何害怕有信仰的人?為什麼自由世界在與共產主義中國加深關係的同時卻讓這種情況發生?美國對中共的軟弱付出了怎樣 View on Facebook  Was this email:Useful | Not Useful  This message was sent to If you...

Selasa, 18 Juli 2023

Pat Lu PC posted in CHRISTIANITY in DEMOCRACY (The call to uphold human rights)

Moovi, see what she posted.   Pat Lu PC posted in CHRISTIANITY in DEMOCRACY (The call to uphold human rights)July 18 at 6:00 PM In need of patience for so many issues plaguing you... See moreMalaysian Catholic ChristiansJuly 17 at 9:08 PM Dear Friend, Peace be to you! Our next enlightening... See more View on Facebook  Was this email:Useful...