Senin, 29 Juni 2020

📷 Eka Kurniawati added a new photo

 See the photo that she shared.       Facebook           📷 Eka Kurniawati added a new photo.June 28 at 5:41 PM View Photo         This message was sent to If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please...

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

📄 Sugihartono posted an update

 PONDOK PERMATA CILEUNGSI Cileungsi -...       Facebook           📄 Sugihartono posted an update.June 26 at 9:36 PM View Status    Khikie Marlina likes this.        This message was sent to If you don't want to receive...

Kamis, 25 Juni 2020

🔔 See Miau Nur's photo tag and other notifications you've missed

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             17 messages           5 friend requests           30 photo tags          ...

Selasa, 23 Juni 2020

📷 Jin-Lian Anne Yu added a new photo

 Moovi, see the photo that she posted.       Facebook           📷 Jin-Lian Anne Yu added a new photo.June 23 at 11:13 PM View Photo    3 people like this.        This message was sent to If you don't want to receive...

Minggu, 21 Juni 2020

🔔 See Miau Nur's photo tag and other notifications you've missed

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             17 messages           5 friend requests           30 photo tags          ...

Jumat, 19 Juni 2020

🔔 See Miau Nur's photo tag and other notifications you've missed

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             17 messages           5 friend requests           30 photo tags          ...

Kamis, 18 Juni 2020

📄 Col Smith shared Danny Barnes's post

 Moovi, see the post that he shared.       Facebook           📄 Col Smith shared Danny Barnes's post.June 18 at 4:57 PM View         This message was sent to If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future,...

Rabu, 17 Juni 2020

📷 Col Smith added a new photo

 Moovi, see the photo that he posted.       Facebook           📷 Col Smith added a new photo.June 17 at 5:00 PM View Photo         This message was sent to If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please...

Steen Bak tagged you in a post on Facebook

Steen Bak tagged you and 87 others in a post . You can choose if you want to add it to your timeline. Remember: Posts you hide from your timeline may still appear in News Feed and elsewhere on Facebook. Learn more about tagging on Facebook .facebookSteen Bak tagged you and 87 others in a post. You can choose if you want to add it to your timeline.Remember: Posts you hide from your timeline may still...

Steen Bak tagged you in a post on Facebook

Steen Bak tagged you and 88 others in a post . You can choose if you want to add it to your timeline. Remember: Posts you hide from your timeline may still appear in News Feed and elsewhere on Facebook. Learn more about tagging on Facebook .facebookSteen Bak tagged you and 88 others in a post. You can choose if you want to add it to your timeline.Remember: Posts you hide from your timeline may still...