Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

Jack Foo commented on his photo

 Chor 3 #newyear #cny #asian #asia #2017...       Facebook           Jack Foo commented on his photo.January 30 at 2:35pmView LikeCommentShare  34 people reacted to this.        Open Facebook        This message...

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Yanti Christianti commented on her photo

 Gak perlu di Cat, dari kecil juga...       Facebook           Yanti Christianti commented on her photo.January 29 at 5:27pmView LikeCommentShare  17 people like this.        Open Facebook        This message...

Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

Suryakant Jain commented on his photo

 Happy Birthday Shaurya..Keep...       Facebook           Suryakant Jain commented on his photo.January 26 at 5:34pmView LikeCommentShare  Suryakant Jain and 230 others reacted to this.        Open Facebook        This...

Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Moovi, you have 18 new notifications, 27 pokes, 60 messages, 3 friend requests, 1 timeline post, 58...

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             60 messages           27 pokes           3 friend requests           58 group...

Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Dicky Says commented on his photo

 berada diketinggian 2343 dpl menyapa...       Facebook           Dicky Says commented on his photo.January 22 at 5:47pmView LikeCommentShare  7 people reacted to this.        Open Facebook        This message...

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

Robin Hulu commented on his photo

 #niceday #fasionable #fasionman #boot...       Facebook           Robin Hulu commented on his photo.January 21 at 10:12pmView LikeCommentShare  Robin Hulu and 29 others reacted to this.        Open Facebook        This...

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Moovi, you have 20 new notifications, 1 timeline post, 36 photo tags, 27 pokes, 58 group invites, 60...

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             60 messages           27 pokes           3 friend requests           58 group...