Senin, 30 November 2015

Charles Foo shared a video

 brother try this :)       Facebook           Charles Foo shared a video.November 30 at 12:47pmView    Like   Comment   Share  Eddy Tan and Andrew Ang like this.        Open Facebook        This...

Wedhos Umam Caem added you to the group "Yesterday Once More"

Share with Wedhos and 342042 others in your new group: Yesterday Once More This group is Public , which means anyone can see the group, its members, and what members post. What can you do in your group? Members can post and comment on updates, chat with everyone at once, schedule group events, create shared docs, and more . Not interested? Leave the group at any time.facebookShare with Wedhos and...

Sabtu, 28 November 2015

Prince Dicky added a new photo

 Alhamdulillah....rezeki hari ni....       Facebook           Prince Dicky added a new photo.November 28 at 4:41pmView    Like   Comment   Share  72 people like this.        Open Facebook        This...

Kamis, 26 November 2015

Do you know Intan Maulina, Siska Septiani and 8 others?

   Add the people you know to see their photos and updates.   Intan Maulina Menegement at PT.Trijaya Pratama Futures Gedung Menara Mulia Add Friend     Siska Septiani IAIN Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Add Friend     Uni Han Yen Add Friend     Yew Shirley Politeknik Mukah Sarawak Add Friend     Ayee Yee Smile Works at Phnom Penh,...

Tahire Avdullahu wants to be friends on Facebook

 1 mutual friend - 1,030 friends - 1 photo - 4 groups       Facebook        Tahire Avdullahu wants to be friends with you on Facebook. Tahire Avdullahu1 mutual friend · 1,030 friends · 1 photo · 4 groups         Confirm Request   See All Requests        This...

Selasa, 24 November 2015

[Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki] New Video

  Say Sid posted in Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki .       Say Sid November 25 at 12:08pm   KYA DAISH SALAFI HAI?? BY NOORUDDIN UMERI.       Like     Comment           Facebook        Say Sid posted in Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki.    Say SidNovember...