Kamis, 30 April 2015

KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Numb...

KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Number One Recordings (Open Group)". Visit Group Not interested? Leave the group at any time. KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Number One Recordings (Open Group)".Visit GroupNot interested?Leave the group at any time.This message...

KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Numb...

KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Number One Recordings". Visit Group Not interested? Leave the group at any time. KrazySandi Osiris changed the name of the group "Number One Recordings Dj School & Remixer" to "Number One Recordings".Visit GroupNot interested?Leave the group at any time.This message was sent to movieupdate007@gmail.com....

Jeremy Tirtakusumah, Chi Que and LetMe Play have birthdays today

Help Jeremy Tirtakusumah, Chi Que and LetMe Play celebrate their birthdays Friday, May 1st Chi Que Write on his Timeline LetMe Play Write on her Timeline Jeremy Tirtakusumah Write on his TimelinefacebookHelp Jeremy Tirtakusumah, Chi Que and LetMe Play celebrate their birthdaysFriday, May 1stChi QueWrite on his TimelineLetMe PlayWrite on her TimelineJeremy TirtakusumahWrite on his TimelineGo to FacebookPlan...

Arief Hardjanto added a new photo to the album Cover Photos

       Arief Hardjanto added a new photo to the album Cover Photos . April 27 at 3:58pm View   18 people like this.   Arief Hardjanto and 6 others commented.         Oki Kartodihardjo updated his status. April 27 at 10:40am View   25 people like this.   Oki Kartodihardjo and 15 others commented.        ...

Rabu, 29 April 2015

Today is Afrian Aditya Prawira's birthday

Wish Afrian Aditya Prawira a happy birthday Thursday, April 30th Afrian Aditya PrawirafacebookWish Afrian Aditya Prawira a happy birthdayThursday, April 30thAfrian Aditya PrawiraWrite on Afrian's TimelinePlan an EventThis message was sent to movieupdate007@gmail.com. If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe.Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415,...

Today is Afrian Aditya Prawira's birthday

Wish Afrian Aditya Prawira a happy birthday Thursday, April 30th Afrian Aditya PrawirafacebookWish Afrian Aditya Prawira a happy birthdayThursday, April 30thAfrian Aditya PrawiraWrite on Afrian's TimelinePlan an EventThis message was sent to movieupdate007@gmail.com. If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe.Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415,...

[Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki] ALLAH IS MY WALI

  Say Sid posted in Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki       Say Sid April 29 at 4:40am   ALLAH IS MY WALI Timeline Photos Quran's Lesson - Surah Al-A'raf 7, Verse 196, Part 9 إِنَّ وَلِيِّيَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْكِت... Islamic teachings       Like     Comment           Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki        Say...

[Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki] New Video

  Say Sid posted in Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki       Say Sid April 29 at 4:14am   فيديو قصير قد يجعلك تفكر من جديد في طريقة حياتك ‫لا تدع هذا الفيديو يقف عندك فقط.. شاركه مع أصدقائك، أنشره قدر المستطاع - ‬ http://ghad.ps/       Like     Comment           Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki        Say...

Arief Hardjanto added a new photo to the album Cover Photos

       Arief Hardjanto added a new photo to the album Cover Photos . April 27 at 3:58pm View   18 people like this.   Arief Hardjanto and 6 others commented.         Oki Kartodihardjo updated his status. April 27 at 10:40am View   24 people like this.   Oki Kartodihardjo and 15 others commented.        ...