Tommy Brown updated his status. Tommy Brown Its nice to be important but it's more important to be nice Like · Comment · Share 38 people like this. 2 shares 5 commentsfacebookTommy Brown updated his status.Tommy BrownIts nice to be important but it's more important to be niceLike · Comment · Share38 people like this.2 shares5 commentsView PostView Tommy's TimelineThis message was sent to
Selasa, 29 Juli 2014
Tommy Brown updated his status: "Its nice to be important but it's more..."
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Movie Update

Senin, 28 Juli 2014
A friend wants you to like a Page on Facebook
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Movie Update

Erikadisu Danoewidjaja invited you to like The Danoewidjaja 5 on Facebook.Invites from FriendsHi Moovi,Erikadisu Danoewidjaja invited you to like The Danoewidjaja 5The Danoewidjaja 5Games/Toys Like Visit Your Page Facebook Thanks, The Facebook TeamThis message was sent to If you don't...
Minggu, 27 Juli 2014
Lusifery Psatan updated his status: ""
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Movie Update
Lusifery Psatan updated his status. Lusifery Psatan Like · Comment · Share Lusifery Psatan and 15 others like this. Lusifery Psatan and 2 others commented.facebookLusifery Psatan updated his status.Lusifery PsatanLike · Comment · ShareLusifery Psatan and 15 others like this.Lusifery Psatan and 2 others commented.View PostView Lusifery's TimelineThis message was sent to If...
Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014
Facebook password reset
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Movie Update

Hi Moovi, Your Facebook password was reset using the email address on Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 8:48am. Operating system: Windows Browser: Opera IP address: Estimated location: Morowa, 23, JP If you did this, you can safely disregard this email. If you didn't do this, please secure your account . Thanks, The Facebook Security TeamfacebookHi Moovi,Your Facebook...
Somebody requested a new password for your Facebook account
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Movie Update
Somebody recently asked to reset your Facebook password. Click here to change your password. Alternatively, you can enter the following password reset code: 345304 Didn't request this change? If you didn't request a new password, let us know immediately . Change Password facebook Somebody recently asked to reset your Facebook password.Click here to change your...
Jumat, 25 Juli 2014
Moovi, you have 14 new notifications, 27 pokes and 54 messages
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Movie Update

A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends. Movie Moovi 54 messages 27 pokes 2 friend requests 36 photo...
Rabu, 23 Juli 2014
Moovi, you have 17 new notifications, 36 photo tags and 27 pokes
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Movie Update
A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends. Movie Moovi 54 messages 27 pokes 2 friend requests 36 photo...
[Sari Tareefain ALLAH ki] New Video
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Say Sid posted in Sari Tareefain ALLAH kiSay Sid 9:03am Jul 24 A Message to the WorldA message that should be shared with the world. Art imitating life. Post by: Karim MetwalyView Post on Facebook · Edit Email Settings · Reply to this email to add a comme...
Senin, 21 Juli 2014
Do you know Jonny Raf?
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Movie Update

Do you know Jonny Raf ? Here are some people you may know on Facebook. Connect with friends, family, classmates and coworkers to see their updates, photos and more. Jonny Raf Add FriendfacebookDo you know Jonny Raf?Here are some people you may know on Facebook. Connect with friends, family, classmates and coworkers to see their updates, photos and more.Jonny RafAdd FriendFind More FriendsGo to FacebookThis...
Kamis, 17 Juli 2014
Moovi, you have notifications pending
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Movie Update

Here's some activity you may have missed on Facebook. 1 friend request 2 messages 23 notifications Dicky Says , Ah Seng Tan , R Benny S Soegito , and 4 other friends have posted statuses, photos and more on Facebook. You have missed some popular stories: Erick Sabale commented on Erick...
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