Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Firdaus Gunawan is waiting for you to see his post on your timeline

Firdaus Gunawan posted on your timeline. Firdaus Gunawan 2,144 friendsfacebookFirdaus Gunawan posted on your timeline.Firdaus Gunawan2,144 friendsView PostGo to FacebookThis message was sent to movieupdate007@gmail.com. If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe.Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94...

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Mdo Jaw Jmy updated his status: "Terima kasih Penyertaan dan..."

Mdo Jaw Jmy updated his status. Mdo Jaw Jmy Terima kasih Penyertaan dan PertolonganMU dalam hidupku amin..GBu all *today is my day* Like · Comment · Share Mdo Jaw Jmy likes this. Mdo Jaw Jmy and 4 others commented.facebookMdo Jaw Jmy updated his status.Mdo Jaw JmyTerima kasih Penyertaan dan PertolonganMU dalam hidupku amin..GBu all *today is my day*Like · Comment · ShareMdo Jaw Jmy likes this.Mdo...

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Sheena Marie R. Estellere, Paty Brito Lima and Kenneth Kumenius are waiting for you to see their pos...

Sheena Marie R. Estellere , Paty Brito Lima and Kenneth Kumenius posted on your timeline. Sheena Marie R. Estellere 2,368 friends Paty Brito Lima 1,895 friends Kenneth Kumenius 1,468 friendsfacebookSheena Marie R. Estellere, Paty Brito Lima and Kenneth Kumenius posted on your timeline.Sheena Marie R. Estellere2,368 friendsPaty Brito Lima1,895 friendsKenneth Kumenius1,468 friendsView PostsGo to FacebookThis...

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Moovi, you have 17 new notifications, 27 pokes and 54 messages

   A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Movie Moovi             54 messages           27 pokes           1 friend request           36 photo...

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 We're improving ads based on apps and sites you use, and giving you control. Learn more.       Facebook        Hi Moovi,We're improving ads based on apps and sites you use, and giving you control. Learn more.Thanks,The Facebook Team Learn More         This message...

Santo Lim's invitation is awaiting your response

        Santo Lim would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?  Santo Lim ICT at PT Lemindo Abadi Jaya  Confirm you know Santo     You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA&nb...

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Ass'ad Gabi Rahji updated his status: "‎ابوي بيضل يقلي: لما كنت بعمرك كنت ادرس...‎"

Ass'ad Gabi Rahji updated his status. Ass'ad Gabi Rahji ابوي بيضل يقلي: لما كنت بعمرك كنت ادرس واشتغل لما كنت بعمرك كنت رفع كل موادي لما كنت بعمرك كانت... Like · Comment · Share 27 people like this. Ass'ad Gabi Rahji and 13 others commented.facebookAss'ad Gabi Rahji updated his status.Ass'ad Gabi Rahjiابوي بيضل يقلي: لما كنت بعمرك كنت ادرس واشتغل لما كنت بعمرك كنت رفع كل موادي لما كنت بعمرك كانت...Like...

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Iyay Hernawan Pratistha updated his status: "Mobil EsEmKa buatan cina bro,bukan..."

Iyay Hernawan Pratistha updated his status. Iyay Hernawan Pratistha Mobil EsEmKa buatan cina bro,bukan buatan solo#geuslah milih presiden mah kumaha beungeut# tetep No 1 Like · Comment · Share 20 people like this. Iyay Hernawan Pratistha and 18 others commented.facebookIyay Hernawan Pratistha updated his status.Iyay Hernawan PratisthaMobil EsEmKa buatan cina bro,bukan buatan solo#geuslah milih presiden...

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Suwito Kok Bing updated his status: "Hasto Sinyalir 152 Bukan IQ Prabowo..."

Suwito Kok Bing updated his status. Suwito Kok Bing Hasto Sinyalir 152 Bukan IQ Prabowo Melainkan Tensi http://m.metrotvnews.com/read/2014/06/14/252572 Like · Comment · Share Suwito Kok Bing and 3 others like this. Suwito Kok Bing and 5 others commented.facebookSuwito Kok Bing updated his status.Suwito Kok BingHasto Sinyalir 152 Bukan IQ Prabowo Melainkan Tensi http://m.metrotvnews.com/read/2014/06/14/252572Like...

Santo Lim's invitation is awaiting your response

        Santo Lim would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?  Santo Lim ICT at PT Lemindo Abadi Jaya  Confirm you know Santo     You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA&nb...